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学术讲座【Inverse Problems and Harry Potter's Cloak】


学术报告:Inverse Problems and Harry Potter's Cloak(逆问题与哈里波特的斗篷)



主讲:美国文理科星空(中国)Gunther Ulhmann院士


报告摘要:In inverse problems one attempts to determine the internal properties of a medium by observing outside the medium the response to different types of waves sent through the medium. This is the way we obtain a large part of our information about the world. An example is human vision: from the measurements of scattered light that reaches our retinas, our brains construct a detailed three-dimensional map of the world around us. Another example is to determine the inner structure of the Earth. We attempt to do this from information we obtain from earthquakes. Inverse problems also arise in medical imaging, for instance in early cancer detection, in oil exploration, and many other areas of science and technology.

    I will also describe recent theoretical and experimental progress on making objects invisible. Not only would observers be unaware of the contents of the hidden region, they would not even be aware that something was being hidden. The object, which would have no shadow, is said to be cloaked. We recount some of the history of the subject and discuss some of the scientific issues involved.
