主讲:新加坡南洋理工大学 Professor Wang Huaxiong
专家简介:Wang Huaxiong received a PhD in Mathematics from University of Haifa, Israel in 1996 and a PhD in Computer Science from University of Wollongong, Australia in 2001. He joined Nanyang Technologivcal University in 2006 and is currently an Associate Professor in the Division of Mathematical Sciences. He is also an Honorary Fellow at Macquarie University, Australia. Prior to that, he held various positions in different countries, including a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professorial Fellow at Macquarie University, Australia (2002 – 2006); a Senior Research Fellow at City University, Hong Kong (2005); a Lecturer at University of Wollongong, Australia (2000-2002); a Research Fellow at National University of Singapore (1999); a Visiting Fellow at Kobe University in Japan (1991-1992); and an Associate Lecturer/Lecturer at Fujian Normal University, China (1984-1991).
His research interests are cryptography, information security, coding theory, combinatorics and theoretical computer science. Special areas he has worked on include authentication codes, secret sharing schemes, pseudorandom number generation, key distribution schemes, public-key cryptosystems, digital signature, hash functions, broadcast encryption, multicast security, security multiparty computations, lattice-based cryptography and coding-based cryptography.
He is the co-editor of 8 books and has published more than 150 papers in the international journals and conferences. He has been supervising 20 PhD students (including 14 completed). He has been on the editorial boards of 3 international journals: Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Journal of Communications (JCM) and Journal of Communications and Networks. He was the Program Co-Chair of 9th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP'04) in 2004 and 4th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS05) in 2005, and has served as the program committee member for more than 70 international conferences. He received the inaugural Award of Best Research Contribution from the Computer Science Association of Australasia in 2004.
报告摘要:Cover-free families are combinatorial objects that have been used in diverse applications such as information theory, communications, group testing, cryptography and information security. In this talk we survey some mathematical results on cover-free families and present their several interesting applications in network security, such as secure key distribution, anti-jamming systems and multicast communication.