主讲:澳大利亚卧龙岗大学 郭福春博士
专家简介:郭福春博士是星空网页版登录入口数学与计算机科学星空(中国)05届本科生,08届硕士生,2012年获得澳大利亚Wollongong大学博士学位,现在Wollongong大学从事博士后研究。 他的研究方向包括网络安全协议、公钥密码等,在包括ESORICS、Financial Cryptography等学术会议和The Computer Journal, Journal of System and Software等学术期刊上发表20多篇学术论文。
报告摘要:Cryptography can be implemented by software or hardware. In this talk, we introduce the public-key cryptography and their hardware implementation (ASIC and FPGA) for lightweight devices. Lightweight devices are cheap devices with very limited resource for cryptographic algorithms implementation. We introduce some recent works towards low hardware cost for lightweight devices.